Can we be both mindful AND productive?


What happens when we choose the ‘Zen’ approach to work and life?

Do we get docile and passive and unproductive?

What happens when we start placing greater emphasis on being mindful; more conscious and more present (all of which are the same thing, by the way)?

Does it mean we need to forego our ability to be productive and to get ahead?

I have thought this to be true.

Trapped in the prison of overthinking, I’ve been on the search for something more fulfilling and joyful for a long time.

The answer to much of my stress, anxiety and disharmony very clearly lay for me in Eastern philosophy, mindfulness and other teachings that emphasised the power presence.

But this whole ‘being present’ thing. Surely that meant I had to sacrifice any forward momentum?

I’m an ambitious fellow. I want to achieve. I want to build things and create an empire.

Wasn’t ‘mindful living’ code word for passive, rather limp living that didn’t get you anywhere?

It turns out this isn’t true at all.

That isn’t to say I’ve finally found enlightenment and live the monk’s life while being super-productive at all hours.

What I do know is that when I am consciously conscious — engaged with what I’m doing, things get done. Things aren’t being done when I’m thinking about doing them.

When we can be present with one thing after another, things get done.

When we’re in action; in motion, we’re automatically out of our thinking. When we’re out of thinking, our energy is no longer stifled. This is how we can be more effective.

The simplicity of this is both relieving and exciting (if you’re as weird as I am).

If I’m trying to spin several things at the same time, or I’m toiling away in pre-planning, and not actually doing, things aren’t getting done.

I’m just busy.

So the solution to productivity and ‘getting ahead’ is being engaged. Being engaged means being present with whatever’s in front of you.

Being conscious without thinking about it too much.

One thing at a time.

Thankfully, being present and being productive CAN go hand in hand. In fact, they necessarily complement one another.

Let’s get a taste for this for a moment.

For the next fifteen seconds, focus on an object in your environment. Pick it up and spin it around in your mind’s eye.

Get a feel for its textures; its weight; its smell.

Consider how much happened in those fifteen seconds. Think of what you can do when you bring this level of focus to everything you can squeeze into your day.

Do one thing.

Enjoy it.

Then finish it.

Put it down, and move on to the next.

That’s all you need to do.

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


You need to get excited again


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