You need to get excited again


I know they say it’s about the journey and not the destination.

This is true.

Except that destination is also vital and often overlooked.

Destination gets a bad rap because we worry that by getting too wrapped up in the outcome it could mean we get disheartened if/when we don’t get there.

So we play the self-loving card of focusing only on the journey and then wonder why we lose motivation and don’t make significant steps and leaps in our lives and businesses (not that you can’t without having targets and goals).

BUT we’re missing out when we pick one or the other.

It’s about thinking win-win and with abundance.

We can have juicy targets and enjoy the journey too.

We can get excited about an audacious and semi-ridiculous goal while remaining unattached if it doesn’t work out in the end.

We don’t give ourselves the self-respect and faith that we can have BOTH without self-destructing.

I always get a surge of energy and excitement when I raise my targets. When I increase the potential payoff from doing outbound outreach and talking to potential clients. I get itchy feet that just want to dance when I create audacious big goals.


Because they speak to what I’m capable of.

They answer my soul’s knowing.

When we don’t have a big enough reason for doing something, and we deny ourselves the joy of dreaming and visualising something amazing at the end of the tunnel, we’re putting ourselves at a disadvantage.

If your motivation is flagging, are you setting your sights on something that isn’t speaking to your spirit?

I lose step with what my inner-being wants all the time. I settle for less.

And then I lose energy and motivation.

Yes, it’s ok to want more money and set out to get it.

The same goes for goals and amazing relationships of all kinds.

Aim high.

Be unattached to the outcome, but for heavens sakes put yourself in the direction of a result that excites the shit out of you.


Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


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