You can’t fail if you do not quit


You can’t fail if you do not quit.

Cute sayings aside, this is truth.

Perseverance and determination is key because — even if you feel like everyone around you is better than you — eventually they will quit.

You can be as talented, intelligent and enthusiastic as they come, but if you stop, you’re out.

If you keep doing something long enough, you cannot fail.

Now it’s all good and well to persevere, but what really adds magic to this is understanding the meaning of mastery.

If you are not committed to being the best in the world at what you do, you will eventually quit.

I’m not talking about being the best at something in general necessarily, but to be the best in your own niche, with your own brand and flavour.

This is the kind of BEST you can and must shoot for.

If we don’t set out to be extraordinary, what do we have?

We will peter out because in every single one of us there is a soul that knows what it’s TRULY capable of.

If you aren’t gunning for total mastery of your craft, you will lose.

If we can open up to the idea of being the best — of being truly extraordinary in what we do and HOW we do it, we will be sustained forever.

A magical and delicious energy will continue to rise up in us whenever we need it…

…as long as the vision of your mastery is held in mind and we live that vision right now.

The geniuses we see all around us ALL at some point committed to being the best.

They did not back down.

The drive behind this is what sustained them, and it is why they have succeeded to the degree they have so that we know who they are.

Keep going.

The longer you can stay with it with a strong enough reason, the more success will be yours.

What is worth staying with for a long time?

Make the decision, and you will fly.

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


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