The art of humour, when everything around us crumbles


In tough times, one of the boldest things anyone can do...

…is to maintain a sense of humour.

At its core, this is your willingness to stay with what is right in front of us.

It's not about trying to be funny — humour is part of who we are naturally.

'Trying' anything usually means the energy behind it is flat. When we find the courage to be present, we see we can connect with a real sense of joy in just being here.

Ever found yourself noticing something brilliant and funny and incredible in something simple and every-day, like the cheeky smirk of a child, and those around you seem asleep to it?

At that moment you saw something others didn't because you were present.

With the joy you inevitably feel, comes a willingness to share it. Sharing moments of joy with people who may not have caught the beauty or fun in what you have seen is the sense of humour I'm talking about.

It takes a certain alertness to notice things when there are seemingly greater challenges around us. When others are acting out their perceived stresses.

It takes real courage to see the humour and the joy in what is, over being reactive to flaring emotion.

It's an easy game to feel the panic rise up inside us...

And to fall into embodying that panic. To be swayed by the allure of emotion.

To scratch that emotional itch.

Rise above emotional reactivity, and lift others up with you.

Do this by connecting with your default state.

All the rewards in the world will come through living like this.


More 'Persona' confidence class taster spots available

One of the things we learn to develop together in my 'Persona' confidence classes is to see and feel the joy in the moment, even if you feel nervous.

Persona will help you find this subtle sense of humour and beauty in you.

Contact me telling me you are interested to find out more about joining an upcoming free taster session this week, 6-8 people.

I can’t guarantee a space for all as they are very limited.

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


When you have doubts about the path you’re on


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