When you have doubts about the path you’re on


You ever get that voice in your head that asks:

‘Am I doing the right thing with my life?’


Well. Me too. A lot.

I had that voice show up today. It seems to return with more intensity in cycles.

These thoughts come faster and thicker as I try to seize a solution.

Should I keep coaching, or should I just drop it all and start a career as a fiction writer?

Or should I focus more on teaching classes and paint on the side?

But how will I make enough money?

Or maybe it’s best to move to the woods and live off the land.

On and on.

These thoughts fill my mind, and I can feel the heaviness of it all. It sticks in my throat.

It ripples my chest. I want an answer. I want to stamp the ground.

I hate being here.

Another voice says, take a walk, and so I do.

Walks bring me back into the joy of movement and presence in my body.

This stills my mind, creating room for insights again.

Those ideas that are delivered to me when I’m higher up on the ladder of consciousness.

Ideas that have a vibrance to them, a truth.

And they reveal that the worthy path always raises questions and doubt.

I am human and I want the best for myself and others.

If it was obviously the wrong thing, I would have left a long time ago.

I know I need to stay on track.

I remember that the thoughts that make me feel low are just opinions and aren’t to be trusted.

Mean well but don’t help.

If you’re continually unsure about what to do and what is right for you, know this:

It matters less WHAT you decide to do with your life.

It matters more that you bring attention to a handful of things over time.

It’s not always easy, and some experimentation is good.

But, the longer you stick with the thing you’re thinking of quitting, and the more attention you bring it…

…the more it flourishes.

“If you do not change direction you may end up where you are heading.”

Lao Tzu

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Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - http://alexmathers.net. Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


When you just can’t decide


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