When you just can’t decide


Ever find yourself stuck on a really tricky decision?

No matter how hard you try and think about the right move, you just can’t wrap your head around what the right decision is.

I’ve been there many times.

What’s the right path?

When I’m in this state: ‘not-making-a-decision-central,’ I am not doing anything, I’m stressed, and there is no momentum in my life.

Not ideal.

Here’s an interesting idea:

What if there was no right or wrong choice?

Sure, sometimes we’re faced with a decision that is a no-brainer. Deciding to run from a burning building or staying put, for example.

But a lot of the time, many of us face choices between things that represent no obvious right move.

Do I write a book, or learn how to ice-skate?

These are the moments where it doesn’t matter what we choose.

There is no right or wrong.

We only think there might be because that’s what humans do. We feel inclined to label everything.

We get stressed when we think there are ‘best moves.’

What if there was no ‘right’ thing?

What if either way WAS the ‘right’ move?

What if simply being in motion WAS the right move?

Because this is what happens when you just take a decision — any decision — when the options are not obvious:

If you make the ‘right’ decision, great — you’re on a track that will create more and more momentum.

If you make the ‘wrong’ decision, you will get feedback on what isn’t working, straight from experience, and you’ll know what makes sense to change.

For example, if you choose to write a book on a particular topic, and it was the ‘wrong’ decision, you’ll know pretty soon having started the project.

This is not something you’ll know, however, until you act.

When the decision is not obvious, understand that this doesn’t need to be such a big deal. Don’t stall. Don’t let the ‘not-knowing’ hold you back.

Just do something.

There is no right path.

Just to move and create.

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Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - http://alexmathers.net. Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


Don’t DO what you love; BE what you love


When you have doubts about the path you’re on