The art of present, thorough and enjoyable work


If you are busy most of the time, making little ground;

Running around in circles,

Making little traction.

Take note because there is an opportunity in this chaos.

Consider HOW you’re doing each task.

I once thought that the reason I wasn’t finding any momentum in my work was that I wasn’t doing the right thing.

I hunted around for better, cleverer techniques to make it work.

I rushed and spun several plates like an acrobat.

A dancing monkey.

I looked for better education, better mentoring and sharper tools.

Some of it helped, but in seeing success, nothing helped more than understanding the power in being thorough.


Doing a task with all your being, not just a part of it.

Enjoying the ART of work and not just its to-do list utility.

Being thorough is to be present with what you’re doing.

Indulging in the one on one play of it.

When we can just do one thing at a time, a funny thing happens.

We start to enjoy the thing, no matter how mundane.

When our work transitions from:

‘Must get this done as quick as possible so I can tick it off the list.’


‘How can I enjoy this and only this?’

Those who experience the work we do and the person we are to bring it to them…

They feel the difference.

They sense your joy.

And like osmosis, that present, conscious and heartfelt care is passed onto them.

Is there room to bring more space and presence into your work?

You will find there is when you see the results of this approach.

What would it look like?

Would you become more grateful for the profession you chose?

Would your work take on a new layer of beauty?

Would you get MORE done?

Would your communications with potential buyers be deeper, more real, more loving?

How would that help you?

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


You can’t fail if you do not quit


How not to be jaded as life goes on