When you’re overwhelmed…


You’re overwhelmed,
With all the things you have to do.

Your mind is spinning on all that can be done,
And all the reasons you cannot.

Molasses oozes through the spokes,
Slowing you to a halt.

Your fear sits on you, like an enormous, furry swine,
Holding you down till your ribs turn in.

Flashes of failures;
Visions of defeat.

On your knees, face to the imposing night, you sob:
‘Why does life have to be so hard to me?’

The moon swerves, stars crackle, and the night responds:
‘You want the world, and you can have the world,
But, first, look at what is right in front of you.’

You breathe a sigh because you missed what was most simple.
The answers were never out of reach.

They were in your hands all along,
And all you had to do was make the first step.

All a god ever did was what he could that very moment,
And yet you view yourself superior?

The seed, well cared-for, will create a tree higher than a house.

The simplest step taken right now will take you to the summits of the highest mountains.

One stroke will get you across oceans.

So you rise to your feet, and you thank the night,
Turning back to face the dawn.

You find yourself alone on a vast plain,
And you ask yourself a question.

What matters the most to me,
And what will be the next small step?

If you have 10.12 seconds, I’d love to hear what you think. Just a few words below. I appreciate them all.

What makes you come alive?

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - http://alexmathers.net. Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


On being myself…


Is this the most significant building block for your success?