Post-it Notes #2: Write lists every day


Come up with hundreds of ideas.

Then execute on the best idea/s.

I aim to write several lists each day before anything else:

  • Blog post ideas

  • New ideas for apps

  • Post it drawings ideas

  • Solutions to a specific problem

  • Gift ideas for friends

  • New book ideas

Writing lists has been the best way for me to filter down into better ideas.

And better ideas lead to better results when executed on.

The more ideas, the more associations are made in my head and the more creative I get.

Feel free to re-share these drawings as you like on social media, with attribution to @ RedLemonClub.

If you’d like to see more, follow my Red Lemon Club Instagram.

If you have 9.9 seconds, I’d love to hear what you think, in the comments below.

What makes you come alive?


Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


How can we feel more alive?


Post-it Notes #3: To create more, play more