You are only as limited as you think you are

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“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla

Imagine for a moment you owned a black Labrador dog — ‘Dutch’ — that you loved with all your might. 

You’d take him for walks every day, wash him when he was dirty, and even give him some doggy birthday cake when it was his birthday. 

Over six years, you’d developed a tremendously deep bond with him. One day, you wake up, and he isn’t in the house. 

He’s vanished from sight.

You can’t find him, even though you put posters up and searched for him for days. You are beside yourself with sadness, but eventually, over two weeks, the pain grows less and less.

A couple of weeks after Dutch went missing, you’re in your nightgown eating ice cream for breakfast, still mourning after Dutch. You receive a phone call. It’s the police. They tell you that they have found Dutch, alive and well, wandering the village.

Imagine the surge of excitement and energy you feel, knowing Dutch had seemingly come back from the dead. You are so pumped that you throw on your trainers and run all the way to the local police station in your nightgown, hugging strangers on the way, with Energy to spare.

Where did all that energy come from?

It didn’t come from anywhere.

The truth is, this energy was always there, running through us like it is there right now. We can tap into a source of endless energy whenever we want to. 

How? Because it’s who we are.

We are physical matter held together by Energy. We are molecules in a constant state of vibration, and it is energy that keeps it all happening. The same energy that powers the sun, the trees and the rivers, flows through us too.

And so, the first of the ‘Five Secret Truths’ is that we are endless Energy.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. How can we have endless energy? We need to sleep. We can’t go on forever like the energiser bunny. That’s just silly.

You have a point. We may not be able to turn it ‘on’ all the time. And I’m not suggesting we forgo sleep. We have physical bodies, and yes, these sacks of meat and nerve tissue require daily rest and rejuvenation.

The problem is in our failing to tap into this endless energy when it is there all the time. We limit ourselves because we underestimate how much energy we have at our disposal. And believe me, most of us are connecting with far less of this ‘energy source.’

What few of us realise is the degree to which we act as our blocks to this resource. We do this all the time.

The story above illustrates this very well. What is actually at play here? How could you have gone from moping around the house, grieving after a dog, to leaping up with excitement and glee?

Was it the phone call that ‘boosted’ your energy?

Not quite. The reason you felt a surge of energy is because your interpretation changed. How you saw things in your mind turned in that moment. Your thoughts changed from being without a dog to having him in your life again.

Your thoughts changed.

When we allow painful and stunting thoughts to move aside, we’re opening up our access to this endless energy.

In this way, we are only as stuck as we think we are. Our emotional and energetic experience is tied to our thinking, not our circumstances. Understanding this makes all the difference in our lives.

Let’s look at another scenario. Some of you might have experienced this first-hand.

You are deeply in love with the love of your life. You’re at home, Dutch at your side, making daisy chains and thinking of your love, Michael. The phone rings. It’s Michael. Your heart flutters with joy.

Michael robotically tells you he no longer loves you and wants to break up with you.

It feels like your heart has exploded and your entire body ripples with what feels like thousands of tiny, icy stabs.

For days after the call, you don’t have the energy to leave your bed. You spiral into a loop of inaction, sadness, and further inaction. You skip work. You don’t exercise. But eventually, you build strength.

So what happened here?

As in the first example, your life seemingly changed when you received a phone call. But this time the call created a sense of despair and dread, rather than the happiness you had after the first call.

Was it the phone call that ‘depleted’ your Energy?

You guessed right. It didn’t.

You depleted your energy. Your interpretation of what happened with Michael cut you off from your energy source. Your endless, universal energy.

Your thinking directly led to your emotional reaction. And emotions are all physical manifestations of energy that start in thoughts. Some emotions reflect higher energy surges than others.

This is how we create blocks for ourselves in our lives. It is also how we can misdirect energy into things that don’t serve us or others, like unnecessary violence. This is also how we reduce the amount of energy we could have surging through us.

Admittedly, the two above examples are quite extreme, but they show us how powerful a role our thinking can play. Both cases reveal the extent to which we are in control of how much energy we can access.

“Energy is the power that drives every human being. It is not lost by exertion but maintained by it, for it is a faculty of the psyche.” — Germaine Greer

We are only as blocked as we think we are. Energy is continually surging through us. Our thoughts affect how that energy is used.

If we have sad thoughts, we literally close ourselves off from this energy. We depress ourselves into inaction.

If we have angry thoughts about something, we may find energy surging through us, but we might use that energy in unhelpful ways.

If we focus on exciting ideas and things to be grateful for, we open up energy channels. If we get into a creative flow and let go of the thoughts that float up, we open up our energy resources. This is why time seemingly flies by when we’re in a creative flow. We are accessing our endless energy resources.

Energy is always there. As the law of thermodynamics states: Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another.

This energy is always there, at our disposal, but we can close it off. When we think we are blocked, we will be. When we think our lives are over when someone dumps us, it will feel like it, for a while. But we can also choose to change how we think, or let go of painful thinking altogether.

Imagine Michael had recently dumped you, but then heard on the news that he was a serial killer. Would your sense of despair be quite as severe as before? I’d wager not. What changed? Your interpretation of who Michael was. He’s now a significant threat. Having him out of your life was a blessing. Now you feel good. Energised even. This encapsulates what we’re talking about.

How you think defines how you use the energy that is continually at your disposal.

We all have access to this endless flow of energy.

Let’s look at the idea of ‘burn out.’ There are some cases of burn out where someone is physically exhausted. But, from my estimation, most of the examples of burnout, are thought-made.

This means that what we thought was our’ running out of energy,’ was actually a case of applying the breaks too hard.

We can burn ourselves out because we worry too much. We allow unhelpful thoughts to circulate in our minds to the point of what feels like physical exhaustion.

In most cases, burn out is an illusion created in the mind. This is great news. When we can truly grasp that we are only one thought away from endless energy, that’s when we can enjoy real freedom.

The exciting reality is this: We can live energised lives, regardless of our circumstances. How we feel as a result of what happens to us is entirely in our control.

“It does not matter what you bear, but how you bear it.” — Seneca

We can choose to let go of thoughts that don’t serve us. Those thoughts that block our energy flow. We can choose to set our sights on juicy and exciting targets. We can move into action without allowing overthinking to hold us back.

We can choose to live as the energised expression of who we really are:

We are endless energy.


Get the book for free today:

The above is an excerpt from Alex’s latest book, ‘The Five Secret Truths,’ available for a short while, for free. You can download it instantly when you become a subscriber to Alex’s newsletter here. 

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Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


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