I wrote 400 articles before anyone cared

What I learned about writing stuff people WANT to read:

I’ve been writing every day for at least fourteen years.

I share almost everything I write on social media. I wrote hundreds of articles, thousands of tweets, and several books to barely anyone at the start.

Over the years, I’ve gathered tens of thousands of readers who regularly write to me to give thanks.

I hated writing for a while. Now I can’t stop.

I have a better sense of what people love to read and what gets me crickets 🦗.

Here are some key lessons for impactful writing:

✏️ If you can’t wrap your head around your writing, the reader won’t either.

It seems obvious, but this tripped me up. Share what’s obvious and true to you.

✏️ Human brains have developed to engage with stories.

Showing the arc of transformation of a person from lowly worm to majestic butterfly speaks to the thriving of the human spirit — it rarely fails to inspire. 🐛⮕ 🦋

✏️ Powerful writing happens when you are not overthinking.

The best ideas arise out of an inner wisdom that comes through the space between thoughts.

To find this place, don’t try to write. Just write.

✏️ You’re not motivated to write because you’re trying to write a masterpiece.

Make it easy by writing anything for five minutes. It’s a step by step process composed of fun, easy steps.

✏️ Good writing only comes when you are willing to make mistakes.

So be ready to write lots of crap, which you can then edit into a well-written piece.

✏️ Outstanding writing is brave.

Readers will connect deeply to a story that took courage to share. Real, personal experiences will inform this best of all.

Be willing to go where few dare.

✏️ Templates, outlines and boundaries can help. Limitation only improves writing.

✏️ Excellent writing is simple and readable, with all the erroneous fat cut.

Don’t say something with nine words when you can say it in five.

Refrain from using a lesser-known word when a more common word will do.

✏️ Readers want someone to whom they can relate.

It will not engage if you or your protagonist comes across as too perfect.

✏️ If you can’t think of anything to write, think of a problem you have, and write your way to the solution.

Alternatively, read to be inspired. The best writers read a lot.

✏️ You must know your single point or premise for everything you write, whether a tweet, thread or a novel.

What is the purpose of the piece?

Not knowing this can make the writing confusing and convoluted.

✏️ Don’t tell your reader what to do.

Readers resist this and will stop reading. Show them examples, descriptions, stories and anecdotes.

🔆 If you forget all of the above, remember this — enjoy yourself — even if you initially write to no one. If you don’t enjoy writing it, the reader won’t either.

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Alex in Vietnam


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