How to be confident


Given the choice between confidence and having none, which would you choose?

Easy question. Easy answer.

Well, that’s all it takes.

Confidence is not reserved for the special few.

Confidence is not conditional.

Confidence is not caused by courage.

Confidence creates courage.

Confidence comes first.


Why would you choose not to be confident?

Everyone makes mistakes. Everyone is weird. Everyone has problems.

Why would you be ashamed or apologetic?

It is not logical.

You can choose confidence right now. All it takes is a choice.

And it’s an important choice.


Confidence is a habit, not a gift.

And habits are simply decided on and returned to.

One day at a time.

Choose, and stick with it.

Don’t allow your feelings and your doubts to cloud this choice.

Perhaps those feelings aren’t doubts anyway. Maybe they’re guiding you to seize the wild, animal energy you already have rushing through your veins.

Just choose, and be great. Let your positive energy drown out what hurts.

You can tolerate uncertainty because you’ve decided that you are ok right now.

You know you are ok.

Nobody else decides. You choose, they respond.

It’s your reality.


It isn’t about what you did or what happened to you.

It isn’t even about who you are trying to become.

It’s about who you decide to be right now.

You’re already there.

Relax into that awareness.

That’s confidence.

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


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