Gone Reading


I’m taking some time off.

I will be catching up on reading for the next few days.

As a writer, I have been neglecting reading for long stretches. It is not a luxury in this industry, it is a must.

If you can afford to, read more.

I was surprised and not surprised to hear that Warren Buffet spends around eight hours a day reading — and he’s not even really a writer.

Writers, inventors, and artists must read.

Time spent away from the drawing board reading, in my mind, is as valuable as the creative work itself.

Nourish the mind; flex your creative visualisation; get away from the screen; construct images in your head rather than passively taking them in from video.

You can read my articles on Red Lemon Club, have a read of my micro fiction stories in my Medium series, or you can do something better for your eyes, pick up a paper book and sit somewhere peaceful.

I’ll be with you soon.

If you have 10.33 seconds, I’d love to read your comment below.

What makes you come alive?


Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - http://alexmathers.net. Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


How to be a creative genius


Don’t do what you ‘love.’ The work worth doing is painful