How to be unbelievably successful, in 392 words.

What is ‘success’ anyway?’

For me, it’s having someone other than my parents, sister and my only two friends like something that I wrote on Facebook (no offense, mum!).

But some people will naturally want more than this.

So to this, I’d say:

1. Find something at which you’re already winning. A talent. A small success made. Something you’re interested in. Something you’re good at. Something you could become great at.

Decide on that one thing.

2. Commit to making that thing gut-wrenchingly outstanding, through…

3. …Dedicating at least 80% of the time you have available for ‘work’ on that thing, every day of the week, with a half day break for an adventure.

4. Decide on exactly what your daily output will be in a given timeframe. For example: ‘1000 words written between 7 am, and 10 am every darn day.’

Got it?

Now double your planned output in half that timeframe.

Now it’s a real stretch, but doable.

Work with urgency. Always feel like there’s no way you’ll get this thing done as you go, and then surprise yourself by finding a way.

5. Do this thing daily whether you feel like it or not. Often, you won’t feel like it but just start.

Make yourself accountable by getting someone to see if you’ve done what you said you’ll do. Or don’t. Just do it because your vision of who you’re becoming is exciting.


6. Do this for 66 days. Ideally in a row, so that it becomes a habit. They say it takes 66 days to internalise a habit, and I believe it.

7. Make sure that you grew a little bit at the end of each day: in character and skill.

8. Repeat. Allow your work to evolve, breath and grow as it needs to. Make ‘play’ the priority within your work process.

Get as much feedback on your stuff as you can. And then ignore it. You don’t need it.

If the work brought you to life just a little bit, you’re on the right track.

9. Keep telling people about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it. Spread your passion.

That passion comes from sensing the growth in having done it, not from what you were ‘born to do.’

Wake others up by allowing them to see and feel the aliveness you get from working on something that challenges you constantly.

Now you’re consistently stretching; you feel alive, and success is inevitable.

Because you already are.

(AND I gave you a 28-word bonus!)

If you have 13 seconds, write a comment. I love to read your comments.

Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


Starting things is scary.


This is how you get traction as an artist.