Post-it Notes #4: What separates an Amateur from a Master?


Though I’m by no means a ‘master,’ from what I’ve seen, an amateur is physically tight and mentally loose (think of a newbie golfer compared to a pro).

They are not yet focused on what they control, nor do they know what they CAN control; their bodies are rigid, often nervous and not yet accustomed to flowing through their work, free of resistance.

Over time and with practice, an amateur can move along the spectrum towards mastery:

A ‘master’ is characterized by physical looseness, and tightness of mind (Think Bruce Lee and Picasso). Tight mentally because they are in the moment and exert a strictness over their minds when they do wander.

Masters don’t concern themselves with what they cannot control.

With practice, patience, and a training of the mind, you will move towards mastery.

Clap if you agree!

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What makes you come alive?



Alex Mathers

Writer, coach, illustrator and nomad - Writer of 5 books; 150k online readers.


Post-it Notes #3: To create more, play more


How I maintain a strong belief in my creative work