8 changes you need to make to avoid getting ruined in a chaotic world

I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the world is not predictable.

There is no one place you can reliably settle and know with confidence that shit won’t go south at any point.

This is especially the case in the now undeniably collapsing ‘West.’

This is not for everyone, but if you want long term security, freedom, the option to live how you want, and your sanity intact, you need to read this:

1. Think mobile.

Start getting comfortable with living more than ten miles from mummy and daddy.

The planet is pretty spacious, and there are these cool things called planes and trains and stuff.

You need to start wrapping your head around leaving, being footloose, flexible, and developing self-reliance. Shit can break out anywhere at any time. Why are you still suckling on mummy’s titty?

2. Live light.

We live in an age that rewards those who don’t own a ton of shit they have to keep lugging around.

Think like Marie Kondo and drop anything that doesn’t spark joy. But more importantly, let go of unnecessary belongings so you can scram sharpish should you need to get out of dodge.

You need to think like a soldier.

If you do need heavy ass stuff, at least know how to arrange for storage and lean towards leasing as much as you can.

Everything I own fills two large bags.

3. Maintain a healthy mind.

Nowhere is safe if you can’t manage your mind and have mental health problems at every turn.

This is solvable and learnable. It starts with physical fitness and sleep.

Next, you need to master letting go of unhelpful thoughts, so you can power forward in bold action.

Follow me for more on exactly how to do this.

4. Create remote income.

If you’re to live flexibly and not be tied to any one place, you need location-independent income streams.

I’ve lived in several countries, maintained a remote income for the last 12 years, and loved every aspect of this freedom.

This is becoming more possible with remote-working for companies, but even that is too rigid.

To rely on a single boss, who could drop you at any moment, over having multiple clients or customers is a far higher risk.

Learn a skill you can do anywhere, like copywriting, sales, web design, life coaching, consulting, teaching workshops, editing, research etc.

Over time, you want to develop multiple streams for added security.

5. Live in multiple locations.

Getting geographically ‘settled’ is a thing of the past if you’re a sane person in this age.

We’re going through a paradigm shift in which being long-term bound to any one place puts you in a vulnerable position.

I am a British national currently based with a ten-year residency in Poland with a view to setting up multiple residencies in places like Dubai, Asia and Armenia in the coming years.

Look at the war in Ukraine and the slow collapse of the UK.

No one place is safe.

6. Build an audience.

One of the best assets you can build in this age is an online following, ideally in the form of newsletter subscribers (an asset you fully own).

These people will:

become clients,
buy your products,
provide reviews and feedback,
give you a sofa to sleep on in a foreign land,
mentor you,
collaborate on joint ventures,
and show up to your random barbecue in a strange city.

Why are you not working on this?

7. Disconnect from authority bodies.

True self-reliance is to detach as well as you can from any form of state interference or support.

Taking support loans isn’t wise, it’s entrapment.

Getting state married these days is plain reckless.

Even having your children schooled in disgracefully misguided schools is foolish.

Be conscious of the government’s hold on you and do everything to slide free of its anaemic grasp.

8. Become physically elite.

If you’re to remain energetically footloose and mentally astute for as long as possible, you need to upgrade to ‘unreasonable’ health habits.

It’s time to free yourself from the average, weak masses and transcend. Push through the resistance barrier that conformity is forcing on you.

You need to overcompensate in a world gone limp, to rise above groupthink, and truly flourish.

It’s time you stepped up.

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‘The 12 Habits of Mentally Strong People.’

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